A Inexcusable Flip-Flop
Just a warning up front. There will be major cussing in this post as the content of it pisses me off to no end. Also, I apologize for the little bit of yelling that I do.
There was a headline yesterday that read "Bush: Bin Laden Should Be Taken Seriously!" President Bush said the following:
"When he says he's going to hurt the American people again, or try to, he means it," Bush told reporters after visiting the top-secret National Security Agency where the surveillance program is based. "I take it seriously, and the people of NSA take it seriously. Now, I understand there's some in America who say, 'Well, this can't be true there are still people willing to attack.' All I would ask them to do is listen to the words of Osama bin Laden and take him seriously."
As a New Yorker I have to reply, "Ya think, you fucking idiot of a president!" I know what Bin Laden is capable of doing. The skyline of my City is forever changed because of that fucker. Now I wouldn't be pissed about Bush's comment if he hadn't said the following in March 13, 2003 and started an illegal, immoral and inept war against a country that hadn't attacked us and wasn't and imminent threat. (If you want links to proof that Iraq's nuclear capabilities were ten years away, I can find them for you.)
"He's just--he's a person who's now been marginalized. I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him to be honest with you. I truly am not that concerned about him."
Well, Dubya, if you had taken him seriously from the time you took office, we wouldn't have had the 9-11 attacks! There has been enough documentation that shows that your administration ignored repeated warnings from the prior administrations staff, the CIA and others that Bin Laden and Al-Queda were a serious threat. (If you'd like me to add links to that documentation, I gladly will get those as well.) Even after the attacks you promised us that you would get him like the posters of the Old West said, "Wanted: Dead or Alive." You got to be fucking kidding me!! It's been over 4 years, Dubya, what's your excuse?!!!
Oh, I'm sorry, there isn't answer, Dubya! You weren't concerned with Bin Laden from the start. You were focusing on how to invade Iraq any which way possible. Plus, you don't want to catch him because his brother was your very first business partner. (Do a Google search on that topic and you will see plenty of documentation of that.)
Also, who in there right mind in this country is saying, "Well, this can't be true there are still people willing to attack."? Want to know who? NO ONE!! Because we all know that Osama Bin Laden is still free to run Al-Queda, we know that Al-Queda has grown stronger, not weaker in the past four years. The reasons that there hasn't been an attack on U.S. is that one, Al-Queda has been attacking other places (like Madrid, Spain) and two, they have the luxury of bidding their time for the right moment to attack.
Hell, Bin Laden won't have to attack us to destroy us. He said it clearly in his tape that was released just before the 2004 elections. He said that it only cost him $500,000 to attack us and we have spent billions upon billions to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq. He'll just wait until we bankrupt ourselves into collapse. (Just look at the Iraq War cost ticker I have on my side bar. At the rate it's going we could have paid every citizen in Iraq $25,000 (an awesome wage there) to oust Saddam for themselves.) Our country is in record deficit. This "MBA" President (and I use that term loosely because his Harvard University Business School professors said he was a horrible student) has borrowed more money that ANY OF THE PREVIOUS 42 PRESIDENT COMBINED!! Furthermore, Dubya is the ONLY leader in the COURSE OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION to have tax cuts in a time of war. Google those two facts. I am sure you will find them.

(Click to enlarge. Graph does not show 2004 & 2005 where the deficit grew to epic proportions.)
Here is a today's post by The Cunning Realist, a conservative blogger for whom I have much respect. He is straight up honest, ethical and a darn good writer. I really enjoy it because as I self-avowed Liberal, his blog shows that TRUE Conservatives and Liberals agree on a whole lot more than what our media spinmeisters would have us believe. Furthermore, his blog proves that the Bush Administration is NOT Conservative or Republican. They are something different altogether diguised as Republicans.
The Cunning Realist's post today says succinctly, and without cussing, the outrage of my post. I wish I could temper my anger as he is able. I guess I'm just frustrated because I have been shouting about Dubya's imcompetences and corruption since before the 2000 election. Why so many Americans believe the propaganda,lies and complete bullshit that have come, and keep from this Adminstation is beyond me!