Revolution Calling!!
Last night I went to see one of my favorite bands, Queensryche, perform at the Beacon Theater. To those unfamiliar with their work, you may remember that they had a hit song in the early 90’s called “Silent Lucidity.” What made last night’s performance so amazing was that they performed their 1988 critically acclaimed concept album, OPERATION MINDCRIME, in its entirety. This is something they hadn’t done since their Empire tour in 1991 or 1992.
Also, significant was that they finally revealed how the character, “Mary” died. This was a mystery all these years. There are numerous websites, if you do a Google search, where fans try to find the meaning of the story and figure out who killed Mary. Was it Nicky? Was it Dr. X?
Needless to say, it was a kick-ass show! Loved it. What makes Operation Mindcrime still significant today is that its themes of corporate controlled government, media controlled law, the blurred lines between sex and religion and the fact that our leaders, both religious and political are corrupt are just as relevant today as they were during the Reagan/Bush era when it was first released.
“Religion and Sex are power plays,
Manipulate the people for the money they pay,
Selling Skin, Selling God,
The numbers look the same on your credit card.”
Here is a passage from the song “Speak”:
“Seven years of power,
The Corporations Claw
The rich control, the media the law
To make some kind of difference
Then Everyone Must Know
Eradicate the Fascists, Revolution Will Grow
The system we learn says we’re Equal Under Law
But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall
Let’s tip the power balance and tear down the crown
Educate the masses, we’ll burn the White House down. . .
Speak the Word. . . .(Revolution!)”
Ladies and Gentleman, fascism is alive and well today in America! And no, I am not some conspiracy theorist.
Taking from The word fascism has come to mean any system of government resembling Mussolini's, that
· exalts nation and sometimes race above the individual,
· uses violence and modern techniques of propaganda and censorship to forcibly suppress political opposition,
· engages in severe economic and social regimentation.
· engages in corporatism. (
Hmm, sounds a lot like the Bush Administration, especially the “censorship to forcibly suppress political opposition.” (umm, having people forcibly thrown out of campain stops for wearing dissention shirts.) and “engages in corporatism.” Why else would he talk about the random “abestos lawsuits” that are damaging the economy during the State of the Union Address?!! What economist believes that crap!?! What is damaging the economy is a never ending war that is costing the U.S. more that 3 times what was promised! Heck, it was said that this war would pay for itself. (Oh, and the Bush Adminstration doesn’t need to do propaganda, that is what Fox News is for.)
Could it be that he mentioned that because Dick Cheney’s company Halliburton, through its subsidary KBR, just paid out billions in abestos related lawsuits? Doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see the connection. And you know what, people with incurable mesophelioma, a particular nasty form of lung cancer which is caused by abestos exposure, rightfully deserve what ever money they can get from they companies they worked for to pay for medical costs. Serves the company right for not properly protecting their employees in the first place! And it isn’t a “frivolous lawsuits” that is gumming up the system or causing medical costs to skyrocket. 4/5 of lawsuits brought forward in this country are by coporations and companies not ordinary people seeking damages.
Not to sound pessimistic folks, but America is going to go downhill fast and quick in the next four years. On one level, I am glad about it. The economy is going to crash so bad with the next four years it will make the Depression look like child’s play. (This has been predicted by a number of conservative economists, must notably Pete Peterson. Do an Amazon search on his name and you will see his most recent book where he takes on both Republican and Democrats.) It doesn’t take a math major, like me, to figure out that you can’t sustain an ecomony on a spiralling deficit.
Also, I’d bet money that we are going to see another attack on U.S. soil. We really haven’t done that much to shore up our borders, protect our chemical plants or fully equip our first responders. For all of Bush’s rhetoric in his State of the Union address you can look up the 2006 budget for yourself. There are cuts of up to 40% for funding to first responders like police and fire departments. (It’s no wonder my best friend, a NYC police officer, wears the cheapest bullet-proof vest on the market.)
And when those things happen, there will be nobody for Bush to blame. Because he has already had four years to correct the problem. It will be his adminstrations fault, and theirs alone. Can’t blame the Democrats in government because they are in the minority now. Can’t blame the liberal media, because its all been bought out by corporations who contribute heavily to the Republican machine. Can’t blame Clinton, because he hasn’t been president for the past fours. When the next big explosion happens W., it’s all on you!
Now yes I, am a liberal. This in not just some angry liberal ranting, because there are conservative practices I respect, such as FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. (Ever wonder why Bush has yet to veto ONE spending bill? Could it be his great skills in fiscal responsibllity?) I am also a pragmatist. I know what works and what doesn’t. And I have common sense, of which Bush appears to have none. But you know what, don’t believe me. Let’s make a bet. If what I predict doesn’t happen, I’ll buy you a round and if it does, its on your bill.
Sorry to go all politcal on this post, but Queensryche got me all riled up.
” I used to think that only America’s Way, Way was right
But now the holy dollar rules everybody’s lives
Gotta make a million, doesn’t matter who dies. . .
Revolution Calling!!
I used to trust the media to tell me the truth,
Tell Us The Truth
But now I’ve seen the payoffs, everywhere I look
Who do you trust when everyone’s a crook
Revolution Calling, Revolution Calling, Revolution Call You!!!!”
This world needs a Revolution NOW!
Um, yeah. I enjoyed the show too. Just not THAT much. You go off on your political rant, I'll sit back and think of Geoff Tate in leather. mmmmm...
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