Friday, January 28, 2005

Home Revisited

So I have a few more thoughts about the concept of “Home” after a friend made a comment to my last post. I think that I was on the right track on a couple of the ideas. My friend said, “You were on definitely on the right track when you started talking about love. . . .Once you’re there, you know it. And I think home is this combination of all these things you mention. . . Home just is. .” You can click on the comment link for that post to read the entire comment.

This got me thinking, and I know you can smell the smoke so no jokes. Perhaps Home is a state of mind, not a place, person or reason, much like Happiness. Home is a choice. My friend wrote that “As someone that have lived everywhere, I’ve come to realize that home is an emotion.” I think that is close, but not complete. I really think Home is a state of mind. Here is a similar example.

Anthony Robbins (That success guru on t.v. with the big smile.) was wondering why he hadn’t achieved Happiness. As if Happiness is a goal. He had a major life shift when he decided that rather than achieving Happiness, what would happen if he happily achieved? His happiness quotient, if there is such a term, increased exponentially. Happiness is a choice, a state of being, not something that is a goal. (A great book I recommend on this is "Happiness is Free, and Easier Than You Think" by Hale Dwoskin.) What if Home operated the sameway?

What if I came from a place of being that said, “Wherever I am, that is Home?” What if I decided to live with the mindset that said, “The Earth is my Home and Humanity is my family.”? I bet that would change my perceptions radically. (I’d be screwed though if I ever went to Mars.) I wish more Americans had that attitude instead of this “My Country Right or Wrong” attitude. Maybe we wouldn’t bomb so many countries and would push our companies to ensure better human rights conditions around the world. (I bet America wouldn’t be the fat ass consumers of everything is we had that attitude.)

So when my friend writes “I hope you find Home one day. I just wish you it had been with those of us in New York. When you leave, we will miss you.” , what if I am already Home? And that when I leave New York, it won’t make a difference because there is “No Such Thing as Far Away!” I may leave NYC, but I haven’t left you. And that if my friend and I really wanted it to be, and worked at it, we will always be “Home” for each other. I know that sounds like a “with whom”, but it really is more that state of being feeling.

Hmm, “much to grok. Waiting is fullness.” (5 geek points if you know where that comes from!) I am sure that I will revisit this topic again in the coming months.


At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"stranger in a strange land" didn't realize i was a geek mom


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