My 1 Year Blogging Anniversary

Hi. Today marks the anniversary of my first post. It is amazing how quickly the year has flown by. I started this blog as a way to journal the changes I went through at the end of my quarter life crisis. And what a year of change it was! I have had some amazing highs, and some incredible lows. I have seen a return to Who I Really Am and a discovering of who I will become and what I will not stand for in my life. (More on that last part there with the post that will come of Martin Luther King Day.)
The past few weeks have been incredibly stressful and busy for me. Probably more stressful than last new years when I was breaking up with my ex-girlfriend. Some of the details of that stress will come out in upcoming posts. Also, I know that I had wanted to do some catching up and cleaning on posts that I promised that I would write but never got to pubish. I'll recap some of them.
-From the Random Deep Thoughts and questions, I still owe all my post on the topic of Settling Down. Don't worry, it will come and I will not be kind.
-Posts about my heroes. I promise those will come.
-The Invitation - I really like this one so I will get to it. Probably by March.
-The Bush Administration’s Plan to Invade Iraq: Illegal and Immoral or “Wait, Wait, Don’t Lie to Me!”, The Bush Administration’s Handling of the War in Iraq: Incompetent and Immoral or “Son of Wait, Wait Don’t Lie to Me!”, & The Bush Administration’s Plans for After the War in Iraq: Indefensible and Immoral or “Return of the Son of Wait, Wait Don’t Lie to Me!”
Ok, those there I'm not going to finish. Why? Because if you can not see what a giant clusterfuck this Iraqi quagmire is, and how there is so much evidence that we were lied into a war, undertrooped and undersupplied, and how are continued to be lied to, than I am sorry my friend. You're head may be too far up your ass for any surgical procedure to save you. (I say that in the nicest of ways, of course.)
-Talking To John at Work - This one got lost in the mix, but I have to write about it. C'mon, taking a shit at work is always funny.
- A post that I have to do out of honor and love is about how I beat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and the amazing lady who developed the system for me to do so.

Ok, other things to look forward to in the next couple of weeks. I will do a post about the lessons I learned in 2005 and then one on the highlights. I will also probably change the template of the blog in some fashion as well as the header line. I guess I'm not much in the end of my quarter life crisis when I have only about two months until I turn 30.
Wow. 30. It seemed so far away when I graduate high school at 17. That's ok. I'm looking forward to it. I like who I am now more than I ever did at 17. Or I should say, I am more comfortable with who I am and who I am becoming.
To everyone who has been following me through this journey, thank you from the deepest parts of my heart.

Great Pics & great blog all around, always wished mine could be as complete as yours Namaste~ lelu
You beat carpal tunnel? I had the surgery like a year and a half ago, and my wrists still bother the hell out of me if I do anything more than, say, 5 minutes.
Stupid wrists.
Post that one first!
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