Monday, December 12, 2005

On Her Journey Home. . .

So I get a call from my sister Kelly this morning. She was in Kuwait. And she tells me that she'll be in NYC's JFK Airport for a two hour layover tomorrow morning on her way to Georgia and could I get off of work to come spend those hours with her. I told her, "Hell yes!" She also asked that I call my aunt to see if she could be there as well.

What a great way to start a Monday!


At 12:53 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Glad to hear she's coming home. you should be able to breathe a little easier now.

At 11:09 PM, Blogger NY-sunshine said...

Here's what you do - iPod playing some John Philip Sousa out loud in your back pocket, bag of McDonald's fries in one hand (or whatever junk food she missed the most - Krispy Kremes?), and you run up to her, hug & lift her off the ground, and swing her completely around. She'll remember that welcome for years. And tell her we're all so very PROUD of her, even those of us who might not agree w/ the war.


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