Post T-Day Post
Wow, it feels good to be missed. Thanks, Binsk! Hi everyone, I'm back in NY after a holiday trip to NC. Let me tell, I am not doing that Thanksgiving drive on Wednesday for a long time or on Sunday for that matter. What should have been a 9.5 hour drive turned into a 12 hour pain in the ass trip. Sunday was a little better at 10.5 hours. Insane traffic, nutso weather, and Spider tired at the wheel does not make for a happy trip.
Overall, it was a good trip. My sister, Katie, and I had Thanksgiving dinner with her boyfriend's family then went and did dessert later that night at her best friend's family's house. I love Thanksgiving in the South. Stuffing becomes dressing, collard greens are served, and sweet tea is available in abundance.
(Side note: The Xmas/Holiday season is not supposed to start until the day after Thanksgiving. It's beginning is signaled by Santa Claus at the end of the Macy's Parade. It bugs me to no end how the retail world pushes it sooner and sooner every year! I was hearing Xmas music as early at Nov. 13th. What gives with that! Hell, next year I expect the marketing to start well before Halloween. End Side Note.)
It was good to spend time with Katie. Don't know when I'll get to see her again as she'll be very busy working her now 3 part time jobs (because no full time jobs that actually pay well have responded to her resumes). She's going through a real stressful time and it isn't going to end any time soon. We talked quite a bit and got to see the movie RENT. Both of us cried! I'll be writing about the movie later in the week.
Also, I got a chance to spend time with my best friend, KRSONE. He hasn't commented here in a while. He just moved into his first house, so I helped him paint a room and move stuff from his apartment. His parents also come down to visit so it was the first time I saw them in at least 3 years. His dad is like a second father and it was so good to catch up.
And that's all I got at the moment folks. Yesterday was a really busy day, today and tomorrow promises to be more of the same. I am finishing up a long piece of writing, so it probably won't be until Thursday that I get my next post up. (The one about RENT.) At the same time I have to learn a few new songs for band practice, and I am trying to finish some new ones that I wrote.
But I'm back, and I'll be around.
woohoo- i miss NC at the holidays. soon enough, soon enough.
They put out the Christmas stuff at the same time as the Thanksgiving stuff in Atlanta this year. Dreadful.
Glad you had a nice trip south! I went to Florida, which means tshirts on Thanksgiving!
Come visit on your next trip south! Lots of people you love live here now.
Rock on.
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