Happy Birthday To Me! (& Christopher Walken & Air America Radio)
It's that time of year again. March 31st. . .My Birthday! And this year it's one of those milestone birthdays. . . 30!
Finally out of the terrible tweens. Unlinke some people, I'm not depressed about turning 30. I am glad to get the 20's over. There were some good times, but there were also some tough times and hard lessons leared. I'm glad they're done with.
I'm more ok with myself now than I have ever been. I also know that I am more focused on what I want to get accomplished in life. So I am expecting great things in the coming years.
So what am I doing for the big 3-0? Well, I have the day off from work and I am waiting to hear from the mechanic, what the damage is on my car? It was overheating earlier in the week. So I am bummed at what it may cost, but that's life. Tonight, I am meeting up with friends at a bar/restaurant near my house for food, drinks and laughs. I am looking forward to that. And then, tomorrow I have tickets to go see my absolute favorite band, Dream Theater, play at Radio City Music Hall. What makes this show incredibly special is that it is their 20 anniversary and they are filming the show for a DVD! I can't wait!!
And then I'll spend Sunday recovering, because I am 22 no more. I'll make sure I post here some more.
Thanks for all your support and love the past year as I have blogged. I look forward to sharing many more birthdays to com

(Edited to add)
This is the funny-ass card my Dad sent me. Those are my sisters, my Dad, his wife and of course, Dubya.
The inside read: "GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT. . .to Have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
Now you see where I get my sick sense of humor from!