Thursday, June 09, 2005

Blogs I Read (Part 1)

Hi Everyone!! So I finally took the time to enter into the sidebar, on the right there, links to the blogs I read. So this post is an introduction to those blogs and their writers. I’ll try to a post in the near future of the websites and products I endorse. I encourage you to read through their blogs. They are some truly amazing people.

Without any further ado, and in no particular order, here they are.

Procrastinate With Me

This is the blog of my friend, Beth. I mentioned Beth way back in the beginning of this blog in the post titled Inspirations. She is one of the first inspirations for this blog. Once I saw hers, I said “I can do that.” Now, I have to say this about Beth. She is one of most amazing, caring, genuine people you will ever meet on this planet. Beth is definitely one of the good guys. Of course, I am bias because I have known her since 1995, recruited her to go to Greensboro College, worked really closely with her in Student Christian Fellowship and on a number of service trips, and was her roommate for 6 months, but I am sure that you will come to same conclusion after reading through her blog.

One more thing I really admire about Beth’s blog is her writing style. There is a natural poetry to her writing. Also, she can write with brevity; something I really have a problem doing.

Life Blog Actor

This is the journal of my friend, and actress, Ann Mahoney. If you read her heading, she is focusing on the leap of faith an artist takes when trying to do their craft full time. Ann is currently working on the movie “Big Mama’s House 2.” There really isn’t enough space here for me to talk about the amount of raw talent that Ann has, nor about the goodness of her soul. I have seen many actors in my life and she is one of the ones that has “It.” She deserves all the success in life.

In a recent post she paraphrased a book and I thought it was a great thought. "Sometimes you have to put your dreams on hold for a little while. You purchase them a little bit at a time. It's so much better than getting the whole thing at once!"

On a funny side note, and she is probably going to kill me for sharing this but, Ann was my first “real” girlfriend in college. We didn’t date all that long. I think about two months. That is ok, because I later developed a big crush on her roommate. Though nothing came of that. (Another case of me not having the balls to ask the girl out.) I can see it now, they’ll come interview me for some special about her life when she's big and famous.

Robin’s Random Rambles

Robin is an angel that happened into my life. She found my blog at random a few weeks after I started and has been reading it ever since. Robin lives all the way in Saskatoon, Saskatawan, Canada which is quite far from New York City. We’ve developed a friendship through email and comments on each other’s blog. Knowing that I had a new friend at a time in my life when I was going through some tough changes was a blessing, even if that friend was thousands of miles away.

Robin’s blog style is short, sometimes random, thoughts on life that she has. Again, brevity, a quality I often lack. And it is through Robin that I met the other Robin.

A.K.A. Binsk

Robin Alexa is this truly awesome, dynamic woman that lives somewhere in Canada. You may have seen some of her comments her on my blog. Robin gets really creative with her blog with cool photos of herself, funky backgrounds, and some really witty posts. I often imagine what it would be like to share a few Stellas with her, as she writes in her profile. I bet that would be a fun night. It is through Robin’s blog that I have become a regular reader of the following three blogs.

McG Hath Spoken

I just love McG’s sense of humor. I laugh with just about every post he writes. (Though, he has written some deep posts as well.) I find a kindred spirit in McG. I think he would have been someone that sat at the same table as me during lunch in college as we laughed over common topics.

Now McG and Robin Alexa, along with Madame DeBarge, Damien and HKD,are the writers of . . .

Content Whore

Ok, these people have sick sense of humor. So I feel right at home! There are times when they are so wrong, but being so wrong never felt so right. I can always go to Content Whore for a well needed laugh, and I go there often.

Midget Porn is My Anti-Drug

This blog is by this young woman in Ottawa named Ashley. She is a spitfire! God, there is so much explosive energy in her, both positive and destructive. And that is the beauty of her. She’ll vent with fantastic vitriol, but then turn around and write with such honesty about her feelings that it is touching. The post she wrote way back in her archives about the anger she has towards her father is pure brilliance. I’d link to it, but I’d rather you read through her blog to try to find it.

Again, it’s her stark honesty that I find so refreshing. Oh, just a word of warning. She will use the word “Fuck” more often than Joe Pesci. (She’d so fit in here in NYC.)

Sweet Amber’s Sanitarium

SweetAmberNYC is a co-worker of mine. I am really glad we’ve become friends. Part of me thinks it’s because we’re the only heavy metal fans in the company. She has written some great posts. I’d like to point out two in particular.
"Urban Tribe” and “Some Kind of True Story”. Single people need to read the first one and Metallica fans need to read the second one.

More to come this weekend!!!


At 11:23 AM, Blogger Robin M said...

thanks spider, but it's spelled saskatchewan ;) haha. i imagine most people have trouble with that - you came very close tho! it's cool to know why you read the blogs you do - maybe i should post something like that too...

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Spider said...


I'm so sorry!!! I meant to check the spelling before I posted. I totally forgot about doing it though. Thanks for the correction.

And thanks for being the angel you are.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Beth said...

Thanks, Spider! You rock, too! I'm glad we have been able to reconnect via the blogosphere. Thanks for recruiting me for GC, for being a great friend and leader there, and for offering humor and support in the time since. Oh, and thanks for introducing me to mediterranean food!! (What was that place near our apt?) Dear god, I love that stuff!
Rock on.

At 10:13 PM, Blogger mcgibfried said...

yes.. thanks.. and i enjoy your site as well!

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Robin Alexa said...

Very cool! What a fun idea! And thanks for all the nice things you said.

Have a great weekend Spider. :)


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