Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Train of Thought, Sonata Allegro Form, Jeffrey Gaines & Excuse Me

Hi All.

Going to try to keep today short. Just wanted to talk about a few points.

1. So I tend to go off on tangents in my posts. However, if you look closely there is a reason that I go through those tangents. I do have a train of thought when I write. So it may not be obvious to all, but there is a thought process as I go from tangent to tangent. And I always try to connect them by the end of the post. The conclusion, if I didn't screw things up along the way, hopefully ties the post together. I guess you can say I'm trying to follow a literary version of the sonata allegro from.

In the Classical Period of Music, the first movement of a symphony was almost always in sonata allegro form, consisting of three sections: the exposition, the development and the recapitulation. In the exposition, a theme and counter-theme are presented. These are expounded upon, along with new semi-related material during the development. Finally they theme and counter-theme are represented in the recapitulation as the piece heads home.

I tend to fashion my writing to that pattern while trying to keep things at less than 13-1500 words. I spent so many years analyzing sonatas that the form has been ingrained in my subconscious mind. It naturally comes out in my writing.

2. Yesterday morning, I get a "friend request" on Myspace from Jeffrey Gaines. He is a songwriter I admire very much. I was totally stoked and completely surprised by this. I guess he found me because I list him in my in my music list. Totally cool!! I love this Myspace thing, and I love blogging, because it has connected me with so many new people, and reconnected me with so many old friends.

3. So I've joined up with this band, Excuse Me. They are a tribute band to No Doubt. I know, not normally something I'd do. However, this sounds like it is going to be so much fun. And I need that! Lord knows I can be way too serious at times and need to have fun. Plus, I can't wait to be on stage again. I love performing.

And the band members are really cool and fun. I wasn't going to audition, but this is really the first time someone asked me to audition based on who I am and not how long I have played my instrument. The lead singer read my ad looking for music friends. She then when to my Myspace profile, read my blog and felt that we were kindred spirits. In talking with her, and playing with them, I see we are. So this is going to be a new adventure. I'll let you'll know of our upcoming gigs. The first one is June 17th.


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