Thursday, May 12, 2005

I'm Back!

Hello Spider-fans! I’m back from my hiatus. Thank you for all the emails and calls with words of support. The time off was well needed and well spent. I spent time with family, friends and some time by myself.

I don’t have much deep and profound to share, no moments of enlightenment. Though I did reach a level of peace. And there is lot to cover for the past few weeks. So here are a bunch of items from my life in no particular order.

1. The Sunday after I wrote the post about my cousin I spent the day with my best friend Steve, his wife and Lil’ Steve. I was time with “family” I needed. Steve, his wife and I talked about my cousin and family. Steve had met Dominguin. So he could understand my feelings a bit. The best part of the day though was Lil’ Steve. He was a bundle of energy and we played and played. Gosh, I love that kid. It was fun that I need so dearly.

2. My boss, is an awesome lady. In addition to being a great person to work for, she lent me the first three seasons of Stargate SG-1. They provided a welcome distraction and escape from life and the whirlwind of emotions. Plus, the show just kicks ass!! I mean, I am a huge sci-fan. I can’t believe I missed this show all theses years.

3. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy movie was awesome. Though if you didn’t get the book, you won’t get the movie. I went to see it with some geek friends. Afterwards we went to dinner and then back to their apartment to hang out. We ended the night by playing Scrabble. I hadn’t played that game is about ten years. I lost, of course. My friend has her degree in English/Literature. Her husband had worked with her at a newspaper. There was no way I was going to win. English Geek versus Math Geek at Scrabble will always win.

4. The same day that I went to see the above movie my mom calls me with awesome news. I have a new cousin. At 6:00 AM on April 30th, Elizabeth Grace was born into this world. (Not going to give her last name). Exactly 10 days after Dominguin left, she arrived. While the excitement of my new cousin doesn’t lessen the fact that Dominguin is gone it reminds me of something very important. The Circle of Life goes on. We are born, we live for a period of time, and then we return from where we came from. Nothing will change that fact, you just have to accept it. I can’t wait to me my new cousin and let her know how lucky she is to be born into our family. (Her dad, my uncle, is a really good man and a big influence on me. She couldn’t have chose a better father to have.)

5. On the bad news front, I’m going to have to move for July 1. Since the landlord kicked out the guy in the living room, and still expects $2,100 for this apartment, that means my part of the rent just jump up $175. I can’t afford that. Nor do my other roommate and I (the third roommate got of the road but then went to Michigan for two weeks) think we can get someone compatible to live in the living. And honestly, who would live here with all the noise those damn hellions make! It has gotten so bad. The other day they woke me up with their noise at 6:40AM. And you can only sleep past 7:00 the 4 days a month they go to spend with their dad. So while it will be financially tough the next few months, I am looking forward to living somewhere where I can get some decent sleep.

6. On the good news fronts, I have been making some new friends, having inspiring conversations. So I’m in good spirits.

7. My friend from NC (the one I share my birthday with and wrote about back in early April) is coming up to visit me this weekend. I can’t tell you how excited I am to see her. This will be her first visit to NYC. And for as much as I don’t like NY, it really has some awesome things to show to friends. I’m going to love taking that Southern country girl to Times Square, the Empire State Building, walk through the Village, and many other things. Then I’m going to wish I can pack my things into her car and go back home to NC with her. (Physically impossible, I know. There is only so much you can put in a Honda Civic.)

8. To quote a friend, I would do blasphemous things for a massage.

9. I’ll try to post tomorrow (Friday). And then I won’t post again until next Tuesday. (As I said, friend visiting.) Sometime next week, I will have the sequel to “In My Pants.” It has become a fun game to play through AIM with one of my co-workers. How we get anything done is beyond me! Also, I have learned how to post links on my sidebar. So when I get the time next week I will add links to all the blogs I read on a regular basis, as well as websites I endorse. I will also do a post telling why I read those blogs I do and why I think their writers are awesome. . .no, that’s not the word. . . .special. . . .no, that implies they took the short bus to school. . .Anyway, all of them, like the two Canadian women with the same name, are just amazing people and I am glad that they are in my life. And I enjoy what they write. It has helped me get through this tough time.

10. Well, it’s time for me to get some sleep now (well, at least until the hellions wake up). Thank you again for taking this journey called life with me. There are a bazillion webpages out there you could be visiting right now and lives you could be voyeuristically watching (even some with naked people on webcam. . . .not. . .that . .I . . know. . .anything.. . .about .. . .that). I appreciate that you chose mine.


At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back among the written! I always look forward to your posts. They're like bits of conversation, that even though I can't take part they way I could if we were face to face, they are still enjoyable in every scope. They make me miss you!

You should come back to NC and be with all of us down here who love you! C'mon you know you want to-you said so yourself. And I can accept fully that I'm not the main reason or the only reason, as long as we still get to hang out now and again. ;)

Have fun this weekend and don't do anything I wouldn't do...twice.


At 11:05 AM, Blogger Stephanie Giannetti said...

YAY He's back! Well I don't know how we get any work done either! I'm currently listening to Bad Seed (in my pants). Maybe there is medication for that? LOL

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Robin M said...

hey! glad to hear you're doing well. Hitchhiker's Guide WAS awesome - although i also recommend reading the book first...

At 12:42 AM, Blogger Beth said...

Spider, I am glad you are posting again. I missed you! I am glad you have found some peace, and though that process never ends it is nice to be at a calm place.

I have a friend who is moving to NYC (Brooklyn) and you need to be her friend. She rocks. Her boyfriend just got a job writing about golf for a magazine with "Golf" in the title.
Anyway, I will email you her info.

Oh, and the link bar thingy... I just followed the directions on the blogger help thing. Make sure you name the links or they won't show up. That's what I learned. I had to play with it for a while (um, weeks...).

Rock on.

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Big Brother,
If you want to move back to NC, all you have to do is say the word. I've already helped your other sister with a place to stay and she has an empty bedroom at least until Christmas you could stay in. An if its the money to move again just say the word! I just need you to be happy.
Love always,
Your sister in Iraq...


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