Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The War In Iraq - A Perspective by A Conservative

So if you've read my blog from the beginning, you know that I am:

1. A liberal. (Like that was a surprise to you!)

2. Very much against the war in Iraq.

I never did get around to finishing my three-part postings about why the war in Iraq is wrong (wrong from it's pretense, wrong in how its been waged, and wrong in what it's effects will be).

Well, here is a link to a post by a Conservative's blog, that I read everyday, in which he tears apart the Iraq war and shows the parallels to the Vietnam War. You'd be surprise how much a true conservative and true liberal can agree on things. I say "true" because this adminstration (The Bush adminstration for those who live outside the U.S.) is anything but conservative. The Cunning Realist writes with such clarity that it is refreshing. I wish more Republicans were like him.

I haven't gone political with a post in a long time. But shit like this so irks me because my sister is over there in a war zone, and we're there for such the wrong reasons. And since we are wasting our resources in an illegal, immoral, and I will say at the moment, ineffectual war, the real enemy (Osama bin Laden and Al Queda) are still active and flourishing. Heck, the Iraq war and our treatment of prisoners is just fueling hatred of America. Also, because of wasting our time with Iraq other real potential enemies, who had AND have weapons of mass destruction (HELLO NORTH KOREA!!!) are getting stronger.

But hey, don't take this liberal's word for it. The conservatives are finally speaking out against this facist adminstration.

(More non-political stuff tomorrow.)


At 8:43 PM, Blogger Spider said...

You know, I wouldn't mind taking out Saddam the dictator if that was the original reason given for this war. Though I would be really pissed about it because no one in this adminstration acknowledges that we were the ones that helped him get to power in the first place!!!!!

So Saddam gassed his own people, ok, that is wrong in ways I can't find words to say. But who sold him the Sarin Gas, and the technology to create it, in the first place, to use in his war against Iran, that used to gas his own people?

Ladies and Gentleman, and the answer is. . .

Us, the United States of America.

The blood is on our hands folks, no matter which way you look at it. This country has played both sides of conflicts (i.e. supported revolutions and supported dictators) for so long that there is no way we can claim innocence any longer.

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Robin M said...

yep. proud to be canadian. (not that canada doesn't have some problems of its own, but we won't get into that here.)

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Spider said...


Oh, yeah I do see that you do agree with me. And I, obviously NOT clearly enough, said I sort of agree with your mother-in-law regarding getting rid of a muderous tryant.

I'm just pissed that we were told Saddam was an "emminent threat" and that he had WMD's, when the real emminent threat was/is Al Queda. And then when WMD's were not found, we were told it's because were "spreading democracy." Really, we are? Just like in Vietnam, right?

But you're right. Our adminstration is a bunch of greedy oil bastards. (Most of America is, even if they don't realize it.) And this morass in Iraq is just going to get worse as just this week high ranking military leaders said that they do not see a military solution to the problems of Iraq. Really, ya think!!!

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Spider said...


Canada is looking better and better each day!

(Ireland as well.)



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