Thursday, June 23, 2005

Packing and Moving

From the time I graduated college in May, 1998 to when I moved in with my ex-girlfriend in our house in Greensboro, July 2001, I had moved NINE times. That’s an average of 3 moves a year. Damn, I was a nomad! Add to that the move to NYC a year later, plus the move after the break-up, and the move coming this Sunday, that makes a total of 12 moves since graduating college. So that is 12 moves in 7 years. I don’t know what the average is with that because after I get to numbers larger than ten I want to use calculus and take the derivative or integrate something. (Only the math geeks are going to understand me there. It’s 1.714 moves a year if you really want to know the average.)

You would think that I would be used to it, or at least have this moving thing down to a science. For as much I am looking forward to this move I am having mixed emotions while I pack. Mixed emotions may not be the right term. There is some sadness in this move, like leaving a roommate I really like. However, there are many things I am excited about. With some of those things I am not even sure how they will happen if they happen at all. But that is part of the adventure, isn’t it?

Yes, there are exciting things afoot in my life. (Note, I didn’t say strange things. Because we all know that “Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.” And that is nowhere near Astoria.)

Tonight, I focused on packing my books. Within those books I kept a number of pictures and mementos. Going through those again caused memories of times past flood back. Most good, some bittersweet. I’m not going to share any here. Not trying to be rude, but their my memories. I want the time to remember them by myself as I pack.

I’ll relive some of them, try forget others. Mainly what I am doing in the emotional part of my brain is rearranging the data to make room for all the memories to come. Defragging the human hard drive, if you will. In a way, I am packing the memories up like my books. I need to make room.

There are exciting things afoot in my life for which I have to get ready. There will be more moves and more changes. . . hopefully it will be a lot of awesome stuff I won’t want to differentiate, integrate, find the average of, nor pack up any time soon.

(See, I can’t write short posts now and then!)


At 11:12 AM, Blogger Robin M said...

i kinda know how you feel. i'm 24 and have moved 24 times. and i'm actually getting ready for my 25th move. yikes.

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still don't know what the fuss is, it's not like you have that much to move.

Just remember, packing a truck is like Tetris...

Wait a second, I just realized I can't leave New York! This is city 42, Douglas Adams was right. Q: How many places must a man move to before he can settle in? A: 42. It soooo works!


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