Mama said "Knock you out!!!"
So life has been stressful the past month. I am insane by joining two bands. I know this is putting an incredible strain on my body, but I figured I’d be up to the challenge.
Well, I haven’t been taking care of myself as well as I should. Rather than be economical and go grocery shopping and plan out my meals, I’ve been buying lunch and eating fast food. (My body doesn’t like that.) Also, I’ve forgotten to keep up with taking my vitamins. So what happens this week?
I get two migraine headaches (BAM!!!!) that lay me out. One on Sunday and another on Tuesday evening. (This is after not having ANY for at least six years.)
Like I said, I know that I am putting my body under a lot of stress, but it’ll pay off soon. I just wish my mind/body would get with the program and not give me migraines on days that I can actually catch up on things so I wouldn’t be stressed during the week. That is something I don’t get. I go through the stressful days fine, but on my day to relax, Bam!! that’s when it hits me.
For instance, I had every intention of going grocery shopping on Sunday 3evening and then make/plan meals for the week. But NOOOOO! I have to be laid on my ass with skull-splitting head pain combined with nausea and vomiting. (Like you really needed to know that detail!) On Tuesday, when I could have done the same, catch up on things, or go to the gym to work out some of the stress. . . .BAM!!! Another migraine!! WTF!!!!
So here it is Friday morning and I still feel quite off-kilter. Thankfully, my brain worked with me last night to allow me to go grocery shopping, eat a decent dinner and then have a relatively stress-free evening. Also, I did some meditations and stretching to de-stress. One of things I hated about getting migraines in the past is the unpredictability of them. When I would get them regularly in high schoool, I never knew when they would happen. I hate not being able to trust my own body.
Now, I just have to work at getting things right here in the office to eliminate the triggers of the migraines (glare on the monitor, the fluorescent lighting, etc. . . ) I don't know. I never had any migraines while dating my ex-girlfriend. Though we gave each other a lot of stress, I never had a migraine. Maybe it was all the regular sex.
P.S. I know there is still some topics I need to write about. I’m working on them and hopefully will have them up soon.
But if your body was going to hit you with a migraine(which it ahs the right to do if you are going to push its limits), would you rather it be when you could layout flat at home without disrupting your plans or while you're supposed to be up on a stage strutting about and making loud music? I'd say the timing was pretty good, if it had to happen.
Some say tapping the bone behind your ears will relieve some of the migraine pain, then again, taking an anvil and dropping it on your toe will also have the same effect in distracting you, lol, jk ~ lelu
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