Random Weekend Thoughts (Some Deep)
Don't have much to write as I am busy trying to recover from a hectic week and the emotional roller coaster that was my trip to NC. Lots of thoughts and questions going through my head that I am trying to process. I'll let you in on them. If you have any words of wisdom or experience, please email me or comment and I will take them into consideration as I try to "grok in fullness." (If you do not know what the word "grok" means, go here.)
1. What are the healthiest ways to deal with pain?
2. Does living "one day at a time" really make that much of a difference?
3. Is hope real, or is it just denial candy-coated?
4. Why is it that there has only been four dogs that I can tolerate, let alone really like? Those four being my aunt's dog Sunrise, God rest her soul (Sunrise, not my aunt), my ex-girlfriend's dog, Nico, Tesser's dog Ember, and my Mom's dog Baer. (Don't ask me how my Mom, who is Puerto Rican, ended up with a Jewish dog.)
5. Is joy really a choice? As in: "Pain is inevitable. Misery an option. Joy/Happiness a choice."
6. Isn't everything else good in life, then, also a choice? Examples: real love, forgiveness, peace, health, harmony, etc.
7. Would anybody be terrible upset if I killed the "Fanta Girls"? You know, those four girls in the different color outfits singing the stupid "Fanta" song in the commercials for Fanta soda that are just so fucking annoying.
8. Does "settling down" mean settling down? Is there such thing as settling up? And aren't we really settling for less than we deserve if we don't settle up?
9. Why do I have to tackle all these deep issues? Why can't I be concerned with stupid shit like the Mets or the Yankees or whether Jessica Simpson is or isn't going to break up with her husband?
10. Why do I feel that every list has to end on a number that is a power of 5?
I sent you an email on my answers to your questions.
With love always,
1. For me, it' s WRITE. I write it all out, poems, stories, blogging, etc. Or you could buy a watermelon and a bat...
2. Yes. And yes. "Living for the moment" however is not a good thing. But one day at a time means using what is in your hand now and not waiting for more later.
3. It's real.
4. Because dogs suck.
5. Yes, you can choose to have joy in any situation, by looking for it.
6. Yes. Pretty much. You can't always choose what happens to you, but how you react to it is your choice.
7. I don't know who they are.
8. LOL. Good point. I guess it means not moving around anymore.
9. Do you really think all your questions are that deep?
10. I do the same thing!!!!! It has to be a number that I like though.
You'll be my hero if you rid the world of the "Fanta"
You know Spider, I've been asking the similar questions myself...
I think that there will always be hope, the great thing about hope is that it's greater than our clear definitions could ever be... although our defined hope may be crushed by chains of life, there is always more hope to be had, deep hopes that we never even dreamed we had... Those undefined hopes that come true, to me, hope is that thrill that no matter how much it's crushed, it still will remain...when hope is lost...I feel that is when my last breath is lost. Some let fear overpower their hope, there is where the trouble lies I think...only ponderings ;)
Mary Sunshine,
RE: #4 - I amazed that you were able to pinpoint an origin for the smell in the room you shared with Jill S. That was the dirtiest, most unkempt room I have ever seen!! If memory serves me correct, you even had a skeleton of a rat on your counter! LMAO!
Welcome to my blog!! How did you find me? I liked your answers.
-Watermelon + Bat = Sledge-o-matic!! Got to love Gallagher
-"Living for the Moment" is not necessarily a good thing, as you wrote. Very good point, and an important distinction.
1. What are the healthiest ways to deal with pain? If physical, I try to relax and not think about it. If it's possible to rehab, I do that. If mental, I try to move on as quickly as possible knowing that emotions ebb as time goes on. I try to find something interesting to increase the ebbing. Slayer helps too. :)
2. Does living "one day at a time" really make that much of a difference? It can. For some people it lessens the possibility of disappointment. By only living in the present, there is really no long term so no chance to be disappointed. If each day is new, you start with a clean slate. For me, I say it isn't. To live one day at a time is to not live life. It is to give up. It is a coward's way out; refusing to let your previous actions have any bearing on the future. To me life is a journey. If it shits on you, wipe it off, but DON'T make the mistake of forgetting how or why you received the feces lest it happen again. Use this knowledge to better yourself. If you are willing to build off of the good, you must also do it off the bad.
3. Is hope real, or is it just denial candy-coated? Anything is real to a particular person if they believe it. Look at religion. Absolutely no proof. Is that not also hope. I hope/believe there is a God watching over me. However, to someone who is closed minded or hateful, there is no hope because they don't see life that way. Perception is all it is.
4. Why is it that there has only been four dogs that I can tolerate, let alone really like? Those four being my aunt's dog Sunrise, God rest her soul (Sunrise, not my aunt), my ex-girlfriend's dog, Nico, Tesser's dog Ember, and my Mom's dog Baer. (Don't ask me how my Mom, who is Puerto Rican, ended up with a Jewish dog.) I don't know all your experiences with dogs but maybe those are the only ones you gave a chance. Look at their owners.
5. Is joy really a choice? As in: "Pain is inevitable. Misery an option. Joy/Happiness a choice." Yes. If everything is stable in my life and I win a trip to Australia, I may really by happy. However, if I have been through deaths in my family, or gotten paralyzed, I won't find any joy in that trip if I am not able to be positive. You can handle any situation however you want. It's all in perception. :) As I said before.
6. Isn't everything else good in life, then, also a choice? Examples: real love, forgiveness, peace, health, harmony, etc. Since living is a choice, EVERYTHING to some degree is since it stems from that. Had you not chosen to remain alive, the outcome of today could not have happened. Even though you may not be able in all cases to choose your time/way of death, most factors leading to it were choices. To say life isn't made up of only choices is to say that things aren't your fault. Life IS responsibility. People should own up to it.
7. Would anybody be terrible upset if I killed the "Fanta Girls"? You know, those four girls in the different color outfits singing the stupid "Fanta" song in the commercials for Fanta soda that are just so fucking annoying. If you CHOOSE to kill them, I CHOOSE not only to not rat you out, but to help in any way I can. Call me, we'll talk.
8. Does "settling down" mean settling down? Is there such thing as settling up? And aren't we really settling for less than we deserve if we don't settle up? Is the glass half full or half empty? It's all about your choices and perceptions.
9. Why do I have to tackle all these deep issues? Why can't I be concerned with stupid shit like the Mets or the Yankees or whether Jessica Simpson is or isn't going to break up with her husband? Because you choose to.
10. Why do I feel that every list has to end on a number that is a power of 5? Stevie Wonder wrote an awesome song about this.
Happiness and success are self-bestowed. It stands to reason that most anything is - if we deem ourselves worthy or not.
Get rid of Fanta. That shit started as a way for Coke (or Pepsi) to sell soda in Germany to our enemies during WWII. That's as good a reason as any I've heard to do away with it.
Party on Wayne.
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