Friday, August 05, 2005

Fundamentals (Hope & One Day At Time –Cont.)

This was my horoscope for the week for July 13th from Freewill Astrology:

Professional basketball player Tim Duncan has a nickname that I invite you to take on for the next two weeks: The Big Fundamental. To live up to the daunting yet fun responsibility of that title, you’ll have to put on your game face and get waaayyyy down to basics. Banish distractions, purge the inessential, and cut the crap. Give yourself with ferocious impeccability to the Three Things That Matter Most, and do it with a raging integrity that will scare away all the phonies, lazybones, and ethically challenged mediocrities.”

At first I through it was about kicking up my practice regimen on the guitar because I was joining two bands (Excuse Me and Nine Times Eternal) and needed to bring my chops to a new level. But the more I review the past few weeks, I realize he could be talking about a different set of fundamentals.

What are fundamentals?

I was listening to a Anthony Robbins cd this morning from his Personal Power II series. He talked about studying Tae Kwon Do from Grand Master Jyun-Ri. This master broke down all one needs to attain the black belt, i.e. mastery, down to seven moves. Students would ask, “Teach me something new today.” And the Master would respond, “But you haven’t mastered the seven basic moves yet.” These simples moves, practiced daily, were the fundamentals of Tae Kwon Do.

It is similar with teaching my guitar students. I am a stickler for emphasizing fundamentals from finger exercises, scales, and strumming patterns. In my own daily practice regimen I always start with the same warm up over and over. I start out slow and them increase speed. Just like NCAA Hall of Fame coach John Wooden (He coached the UCLA Bruins to 11 NCAA Championships.) would make his players shoot 500 free throws every practice, so do I play the same musical exercise/phrase/song as many times so I can perform it without thinking; just doing.

In the end, it becomes a practice in Zen. “From one thing, know many.” From the simple repeated exercises, I developed the skill to play more complex pieces. From the habitual practice of simple fundamentals, Michael Jordan was able to take basketball to a new level. Another example would be my sister Kelly (St. Sgt. US Army). I’ll bet that she can disassemble, clean, and reassemble her rifle without even thinking about it.

Virtuosos are not born. They are made from years of hard, daily practice.

How does this apply to other areas of life, particularly what I have written about the past few days? Well, I think making that choice, every morning, to live with hope, taking one day at a time, and any other activity one takes to work towards the positive qualifies as “fundamentals”; the fundamentals of well being if you will.

And since they are fundamentals, they need to be done everyday. The pastor of a church I attended years ago used to quote some famous classical musician and relate it to one’s walk with God. I think it applies in so many other areas of life, not just the musical or spiritual.

“If I don’t practice one day, I know it.
If I don’t practice two days, my family knows it.
If I don’t practice three days, my audience (i.e. everyone) knows it.”

So I think taking simple, fundamental ideas, and practicing them everyday can, does and will make a huge difference in one’s life. Even if you make just a 1% improvement everyday you will not have made a 365% improvement by the end of a year’s time. It will be a 3,778% increase!!!

What are some of the simple things I practice everyday?

“The Past Does Not Equal The Future!”

“Fall Down Seven, Get Up Eight”

“To receive love, I must give love.”

“I could choose peace right now.”

”This too shall pass. . .”

“No Day But Today!”


“I Intend To Feel Good!”


“I can control my focus, and therefore my reality”

“Smile Jim! Be thankful for this moment.”

Fundamentals, small things that when practiced consistently, add up to big things. Sure, to get to where I want to go will take a lot of work. However, I just have to keep the focus on today, and the simple things I need to practice, and eventually I will get to where I need to be. I’ll take tomorrow, one day at a time.


At 4:55 PM, Blogger Robin Alexa said...

Excellent list thanks. I'm going to print it so I can post it in my cubicle at work. :)

At 11:03 PM, Blogger mcgibfried said...

you would make a great Taoist...

should you find yourself in the market for to some discussions on the i ching, holla at ya boy!


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