Heatwave, A Major and a Minor Accompliment
It's a heatwave here in the NYC Metro Area. It was mid 90's today with a similar forecast for the next 3 days. The weather people said we might get some relief Wednesday when it drops to 85. Ooooooh!!
Not complaining about the heat though. All day today, as I will be tomorrow, I've been stuck inside a darkened room giving massages in my last two days of required clinic hours at the Institute of Therapeutic Massage. Yes, I'm excited that I am finally done with massage therapy school. But damn, I really didn't want to spend this really first weekend of summer indoors!! The pool at my apartment building is free this weekend, as opposed the soon in effect $100 season pass that's normally required.
But I guess I have to be happy that I am done with massage school and the next step is to take and pass the national certification test. So I know it's a major accomplishment. (And before any of you poo-poo massage therapy school, know that my Anatomy and Physiology classes were college level in difficulty.)
The minor accomplishment today? I touched my toes in a standing stretch for the first time in like. . .years!! I've started getting back into doing power yoga for my fitness plan. (I need to lose 20 pounds by Oct. 1. I'll tell you why in a future post.) So yeah, it's something minor, but "Hello Toes!!"
Ok, off to finish laundering my sheets for tomorrow's day of massages. Just 4 more massages left!!!
Shhhh, I know why...
but im not tellin'
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