Saturday, September 08, 2007

Tough Love

The following was my horoscope last week from FreewillAstrology by Rob Brezsny. (Long time readers will know that I have written about him before.)

Horoscopes for week of August 30, 2007

ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

"Here's how you can tell if you have a bad psychotherapist or counselor," says my friend Laura. "She or he buys into all your BS, never questions your delusions, and builds your self-esteem even if that makes you into an a**hole." I agree with Laura's assessment, which is why I'm going to spend our short time together today calling you on your BS, prodding you to get introspective about your delusions, and not pumping up the parts of your ego that really should be melted down. Next week maybe we'll get back to gazing adoringly into each other's eyes, but right now you'll benefit from some tough love."

It takes someone really strong to call an Aries on their bullshit. It usually takes another Aries. (Ahem, my Aries friends, you know which of you I am talking to.) There are few people in my life who regularly call me on my bullshit. Four of them share my last name, one person soon will, and three people are family that I chose. ( "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of the same family grow up under one roof. - Richard Bach)

But the timing of this horoscope is perfect as I need a swift kick in the ass to get me going. There is a lot of work to be done if I am going to get my dreams and goals off the ground. And the what got me to where I am today will not get me to where I want to go. To quote Emeril, I got to "take it up a notch." I am going to need to really do that over the next few months.

To give you a peek on what I am working on, you can click here. We're going to have a site relaunch in November. Remember a few posts back where I said I was going to massage therapy school? This is the goal. A fully dedicated post to that site will come in the next few days.


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