Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

Hi All,

I am going to try to keep this short and to the point. Also, I will try to not let this turn into a rant against the Bush Administration as it so easily can.

As you can read from the title, this post is about Hurricane Katrina and its devastation. That devastation hits home because my really good friend Mary Sunshine's , home has been destroyed and her life turned upside down. Mary is an New Orleans born and bred actress that I met in college. And she has been a regular commentor on my blog. Thank the stars that all her family is safe. But New Orleans. . . well, it looks like a war zone.

To turn this post into something positive I am going to recommend that you goto the Red Cross's website ( and donate money. This will be their biggest response to a natural disaster in the U.S. in their history. You can donate on this page: Donate Here!!! ( )

Please give as much as you can. And to my fellow New Yorkers, remember that the country helped us out during 9-11 four years ago. We need to return the favor.


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