Thursday, February 17, 2005

A Quick Look Forward

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for taking this journey with me. I just wanted to give you a little insight to my processes here and a head’s up on topics to come. I know my last post was quite long. Sorry about that. I just open the brain and keep writing until the spirit tells me to stop. I go back and edit a bit, but I try to keep what I wanted to talk about intact. For the most part, I try to stay at 2 pages in Microsoft Word, 12 font as my length limit. Though, like my friend Jaysen, who I mentioned in the entry titled “Inspirations,” I can have a hard time staying within a word limit.

I try to type up my entries at home and then upload them either at the local internet café or from work since I don’t have internet access at home. (Something that is driving me up the wall, but I am learning to cope.) Also, I will write ideas in my journal during lunch or whenever a inspiration hits me.

One more thing before I give a list of upcoming topics. So a few of my friends and family members have said that my blog has inspired them to start their own. I can’t tell you how much I am touched by that. Also, some friends who read my blog have shared it with their friends. That touches me as well. To think that what I write may inspire, or piss off, someone enough to share it with their friends. . .well, it feels good. Thank you.

Ok, here is a list of upcoming topics. The as promised post about the War in Iraq may not happen tomorrow, but I will try to get it done by Friday, Sunday at the latest.

1. The Bush Administration’s Plan to Invade Iraq: Illegal and Immoral or “Wait, Wait, Don’t Lie to Me!”
2. Hi, my name is Jim and I am a geek. “HI JIM!!!!”
3. “What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?”
4. Random Thoughts, Part 2
5. Illumination, The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, and why is Jim bouncing off the walls again.
6. The Bush Administration’s Handling of the War in Iraq: Incompetent and Immoral or “Son of Wait, Wait Don’t Lie to Me!”
7. Talking with John at Work
8. Angel, Duncan McLeod, Spiderman, Stitch, and Chet Atkins (Heroes)
9. Life Metaphors, Part 1: Getting of the Roller Coaster
10. The Invitation
11. Spider’s Top Ten Lists
12. The Bush Administration’s Plans for After the War in Iraq: Indefensible and Immoral or “Return of the Son of Wait, Wait Don’t Lie to Me!”
13. Fortier et Fidelitier, Stand Up Little Sister

Look’s like I have a bit of typing to do. That is ok, I have lots of things inside my head I want to process out. You may notice on “Random Thoughts” and “Life Metaphors” I noted their part number. That is because these will be ongoing topics. When I collect enough random thoughts together I will publish them. And since there are a number of Life Metaphors I want to tackle and examine it will probably take a number of posts over the coming months.

There are more ideas that I will write about than just these 13, but I think they are a good start. Again, I appreciate your comments. When I write something that jives with you or you think is a truth, let me know. When I write something that you disagree with or you think I am totally off the mark with, let me know. This blog is an outward display of my inner journey. Any observations will be considered until I grok in fullness. (If you don’t know that word, turn off your computer and go read Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein right now.)

Jim “Spider” O’Gara


At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, just found your blog by clicking on the link in a blog of a guy who says your his friend even though you don't know him. (R Train to Queens) Just wanted to say, that he was right. Your posts are insightful and thought provoking. keep it up.


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