First You Shave Your Head
Saturday, (March 31st), was my 31st birthday. Thank you for wishing me well and all the things that come with turning another year older. 30 was a big step. 3 decades, no longer in my 20’s, have to grow up, and so on! 31 seemed . . .well, “eh!” Don’t get me wrong, I am not unhappy with 31. I actually really like this number. (Go figure, being born on the 31st .)
Perhaps it’s because I don’t sleep. I’m an insomniac whose problem consists of waking multiple times through the night. This has gone on for years. I can count on both hands the number of times I have slept through the night without the aid of sleep drugs or alcohol during the past two years. The problem has finally reach a point where I really need to do something about it. My energy is at an all time low, as is my productive at work. My concentration abilities are sharply decreased. It’s as if I have ADD (attention deficit disorder). Also, I know that it has affected my mood and personality. Jim can be a bit bitchy when he’s tired and stressed. I mean, just look at this headshot! I have such dark circles under my eyes, I look like a zombie!

(Click on any picture to enlarge.)
So I am taking part of a sleep study for the next 60 days. Twice a week for the next 6 weeks I will stay over at a sleep clinic. I will be taking medication, have my sleep monitored and recorded, and have to keep a sleep diary. Also, I have been asked to refrain from alcohol and to minimize my caffeine intake. I have taken this a step further.
Because I really want this sleep problem done with, I am going to abstain from alcohol and caffeine totally for the next 60 days. And since chocolate contains caffeine, I am abstaining from that as well. While on this path, I figured that I might as well eliminate all desserts as I have an indominable sweet tooth. So I am abstaining from processed sugars and such. The only desserts I will allow myself are those that are just fruit. It's really time for me to make a change for better health. Not that I am in bad health, but I can be in a lot better health.
Here is a picture of me taking this past Sunday, April 1st. At my physical March 28th, I weighed in at 174.5lbs. Not bad, but not the weight or body fate percentage I'd like.Also, looking at this picture, I'd be a little embarrassed to walk out on a beach. Hell, I am embarrassed to post them here!!

I post these pictures as an impetus to inspire me to work out and get in shape. Making the commitment that I have made to myself that I have to work out 4-7 days a week public will just add to the drive to make that happen. I'll post weekly or bi-weekly pictures up so you can see the progress. And I will give updates on weight and body fat percentages.
Also, in the spirit of starting new beginnings, I have shaved my head.

The thought of this comes from two places. First, I know my hair is thinning and I wanted to see what it would look like bald. And two, on a more philosophical note, I am inspired by the title of this book, First You Shave Your Head. It's author went to study with Korean Buddhist monks and went on a pilgrimage. The first thing they told was, and I'm paraphrasing, "Ok, you want to study with us. First you shave your head." Now the author had long curly locks of red hair. That was a huge step for her. Now, I know what I will go through the next 60 days, (the detoxing, the working out and the focus on getting healthy) will not compare to the hardships that she went through on her pilgrimage. But I know changes will happen and I know that I will be "digging in the dirt." I already have some deep blog posts written that I will publish on the way.
So here is a picture of my new short (bald) look. Actually, I will probably take the straight razor to it this weekend to get the squeaky look. I'll post that picture next week. It will probably look better as the weeks go on and my van dyke (not goatee) grows in thicker. (And hopefully those dark circles will fade.)

Wish me luck as my first overnight stay is tonight! Talk with you soon. And thanks for following my journey through life.
Now you look like Jed!
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