I'm Back!
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been weeks since I last blogged.
Hi All! September turned out to be a more stressful month than I thought it would be. I am looking forward for it to end soon. There is lot’s for me to write about and I know I still have to answer the “Settling Down” question from the Deep Thoughts post back in August.
It’s amazing how stress can kick the shit out one’s body. I came back from a trip to North Carolina last Thursday. I was knocked out all weekend pretty much. Came home from work on Friday and slept till 8pm. Got up and went back to bed at 11. Saturday was a day of sleeping and watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer reruns. Again, I went to sleep early. Sunday was a band meeting and then rehearsal. I was tired the whole day. Yestiday, I came home and went to sleep after work until 8pm.
I hope that I get all rested up for the big gig I have on Friday. (Which I will post about tomorrow.)
Well, back to the grind of work. Talk to y’all soon!
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