Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"Free at last, Free at last. . "

"Free at Last,
Free at Last,
Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!"

The alarm went off today at 6:15am. I left Hoboken, NJ for my office in Astoria, NY at 7:40. says the commute is 8.7 miles and should take 23 minutes. Now I am not sure what reality that Mapquest lives in, but any commute across the isle of Manhattan is not going to take 23 minutes. Maybe it does at 4 in the morning, but not during morning rush hour. It took me an hour and fifteen minutes.

In starting out the day so early, and envisioning to the pile of work that I have on my desk as well as the continued packing I needed to do for the evening, I really was not looking forward to today. The only expected highlight was going to be a cup of Chocolate Caramel Chai Tea in the afternoon. But that changed when I came into work this morning.

I spoke with the company that I have been working with to settle my credit card debts. In working things out we decided that I need to make a big payment on Monday and then everything will be settled. That's right, after Monday I will have NO MORE CREDIT CARD DEBT!!!!

You can't see me right now (because of the whole internet thing) but I am doing the Happy Dance!!

-Related side note, while this moving thing sucks and is immensely stressful, I know that positive changes are happening in my life.


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