Thursday, June 22, 2006

Is "Temporarily Stupid" a Medical Condition?

I did two incredibly stupid things this week. Both can fall under the category of not following through with the details of what I was doing.

On Tuesday, I had to move my car to avoid getting a parking ticket due to the obsessive altnerate side of the street parking rules they have in Astoria. I park, turn off my car and place my keys between my legs, on the seat, as I answered a phone call from my boss. After I finish, I grab what I thought was both sets of keys that were there between my legs. I get out, locking the door in the process.

As I walk away I realize, you guessed it, that I locked my car keys in the car. In my hand were only my office keys. D'oh!! My keys are right there on the driver's seat. Gah!

I thought this was going to cause the day to suck immensely. Frustrating visions of trying to get someone out with a slim-jim to open the car danced in head. I headed back to my office to see if there was a wire hanger to be found. Voila! There was. A little twisting, and then finagling the passenger door for 5 minutes I broke into my car.

Yeah, this cop's son would make a good car theif. Though, that would probably just reinforce some stereotypes about Puerto Ricans.

Second stupid thing was done yesterday (Wednesday). I didn't discover it until I went to my car at the end of the day to drive to lesson. Idiot me, in my rush to get to the office in morning had left the passenger side window WIDE OPEN! All day! We're not talking open just a crack; we're talking all the way!

Fortunately, one, the car wasn't stolen. And two, nothing was taken out of my car.

Yeah, I am too stupid to have a car, People.

Now this brings up a few points:

1. Considering my car can be easily opened with a wire hanger, there really is no point in locking my doors as anyone can break into my car.

2. Considering that I left the window open ALL DAY, in New York City (Astoria) and no one stole it, I now can offically classify my car as a P.O.S. (Piece of Shit) Because, c'mon, who in their right mind steals a dirty metro with close to 100,000 miles on it!

3. Thank God I can attract girls with my guitar and not my P.O.S. car!


At 1:56 AM, Blogger Madame D said...

Dude, I locked my keys in the car today too.
I was about 10 steps away from it, and thought "Um, maybe I should double check my purse..." Nope. In the ignition.
Though, luckily a friend of mine lived like 2 blocks away, so I went and borrowed that car to drive home like 5-6 blocks. I would have walked it most days, but it was HOT today!


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